Greed fullmetal alchemist chibi keychain
Greed fullmetal alchemist chibi keychain

He did this in an effort to become the perfect being by attempting to purge himself of the seven "sins" which he believed make humans imperfect. The other seven Homunculi are tangible embodiments of his vices of human nature, and therefore were originally parts of himself.

#Greed fullmetal alchemist chibi keychain series

The central antagonist is the original Homunculus known simply as Father, who was created several hundred years before the start of the series in the presently non-existent nation of Xerxes. In the manga and 2009 anime, the Homunculi are the eight primary villainous forces of the series. The first seven Homunculi created by Father. The seven key Homunculi created in the series are referred to as the " Sins". The Homunculi's eyes do appear to glow red sometimes, however whether this a trait they share or just used for dramatic effect is unknown. The first Greed, Envy, and Pride's eyes are shades of purple, Lust and Lingreed are red-violet, Wrath is blue-green, and Sloth and Gluttony have small, blank, white eyes. In the manga, Arakawa mostly depicted the Homunculi's eyes as purple, but in the 2009 anime the homunculi have different eye colors. They are named after the seven deadly sins: Pride, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy. The Homunculi created by Father (with the sole exception of Pride) carry the mark of the Ouroboros upon their bodies and are identified as such by said mark. In the most relevant sense of the word, "Homunculus" refers to the eight individuals who make up the primary antagonistic force of the Fullmetal Alchemist series. However, off the official record, not only one but several of these creatures have been created in arcane, sinister secrecy. Even so, alchemists have been forbidden by the Amestrian government to attempt or research the transmutation of humans and State Alchemists have such a restriction as part of their creed. Though a common concept, well known and understood by alchemists in Amestris, the idea of the Homunculus is regarded as no more than a farce or faraway fantasy as no individual or group of alchemists has come anywhere close to successfully creating such a being in officially recorded history.

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In the series the official definition of a Homunculus is “Any human that was created or re-created by any Alchemy, Alkahestry, Grand Arcanum, and any other form of Alchemy.”

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The correct Latin pronunciation of "Homunculus" is "ho-MOON-cool-ooss" (every "U" is pronounced the same way) the plural "Homunculi" is pronounced "ho-MUN-cool-ee". For the manga and 2009 anime storyline antagonist who went by this name, see Father.Ī Homunculus ( 人造人間 ( ホムンクルス ), Homunkurusu, Latin for "Little Human", Japanese for "Artificial Human") refers to the medieval legendary concept of an artificially created human, presumably brought into existence by certain means of alchemy. This article is about the artificial humans named after the Seven Deadly Sins or created by the military.

Greed fullmetal alchemist chibi keychain